National & State RNG Supply:
Increasing Opportunities for Decarbonization
Thursday, July 30 | 10 a.m. PT
Across the U.S., some of the most cost-effective climate protection investments have been in renewable natural gas (RNG) production facilities that reduce fugitive methane emissions, coupled with incentive funding for near-zero emission natural gas trucks. But as states design future policies and incentive programs, many have questioned whether there is ample enough supply of RNG to support a large increase in demand.

Join us for a 75-minute webinar to hear key findings from two recent reports that forecast RNG production volumes by feedstock and detail RNG’s unique ability to meaningfully and cost effectively reduce GHG emissions across all sectors of the economy:

  • Renewable Sources of Natural Gas: Supply and Emissions Reduction Assessment from the American Gas Foundation
  • California’s In-State RNG Supply for Transportation: 2020 to 2024 Assessment from Gladstein, Neandross & Associates

Plus, hear from one of the nation’s largest investors in RNG production on their efforts to increase RNG supply.

Webinar Speakers:
Emily O'Connell

Director of Energy Markets Policy,
American Gas Association
Philip Sheehy

Technical Director,
Transportation & Energy,
Ryan W. Childress 

Director-Gas Partnership Business Development Gas Infrastructure Group, Dominion Energy
Cliff Gladstein

Founding President,
GNA | Clean Transportation
& Energy Consultants

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Future Renewable Gas 360 Webinar Series Topics May Include:
Renewable Hydrogen Production Pathways

For hydrogen to become a meaningful future energy resource, it will need to be derived from renewable sources. Several companies are currently engaged in the development and commercialization of a variety of renewable hydrogen production pathways. This webinar will explore some of the more prominent of these renewable hydrogen technologies and offer ideas on how these pathways can be promoted through sensible public policy. 
A Primer on Gasification

To provide participants an understanding of gasification technology, how it works, what is produced from gasification and its environmental benefits. To dispel myths and misunderstanding regarding gasification and explore how it can help western states mitigate wildfires, improve energy security and stability, help decarbonize energy supplies, and bring economic development to disproportionately impacted and disadvantaged communities, particularly in rural areas.
Hydrogen in Our Gas Supply
Hydrogen has long been touted as the energy source of the future. Questions have been raised whether future renewable hydrogen supplies can be transported and delivered through existing natural gas pipelines. This webinar will explore the capacity of the California gas transmission and distribution infrastructure to mix hydrogen in with the system's methane supply, report on efforts to integrate hydrogen into the gas supply, discuss what additional research may be needed, and what regulatory changes may be necessary to facilitate hydrogen injection. 
Renewable Gas Supply

A question which is often raised by policymakers is how much renewable gas can be produced and can it make a difference. This webinar will provide participants with the best, most recent reviews of the current, future, and hypothetical renewable gas supply. 

Power-to-Gas (P2G) - Status of U.S. Projects

Converting curtailed renewable electricity into hydrogen is a promising strategy to indefinitely store vast amounts of renewable energy. This webinar will explore the potential of P2G to help states achieve ambitious decarbonization goals, as well as showcase the leading P2G projects currently being developed around the nation.
How Renewable Gases Can Help Municipalities Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

CalRecycle is about to finalize its SB 1383 regulations that not only require municipalities to recycle their organic waste, but to also purchase the output. Renewable gases can be a key element of cities’ compliance strategy. Hear from municipal leaders who are spearheading the effort to harness their organic feedstocks in ways that will help them both comply with the regulation and receive added benefits
A Renewable Gas Portfolio Standard (RGS) – State Leadership

Many states have developed and implemented requirements that their natural gas utilities procure renewable natural gas to meet a specific percentage or volume of the gas they deliver to customers. These requirements have been put in place with the recognition that both residential and commercial customers prefer their natural gas appliances, therefore there is a need to decarbonize the gas supply in order to help meet state climate protection goals. In this webinar we will hear from policymakers who have led the effort to pass these renewable gas requirements, the issues that they dealt with during the policy making process, and the results of their efforts. 
Strategies to Mitigate Wildfires Using Forest Biomass as a Feedstock for Renewable Gas

One of the most pressing problems faced by western states in recent years has been ever increasing mega-fires. Not only are wildfires gaining in intensity, devastating ever greater acreage and taking more lives, but these fires pour so much carbon and soot into the atmosphere that they completely invalidate climate protection efforts. This webinar will explore how greater reliance on strategies that convert dead and dying forest biomass into renewable gases can serve as a major wildfire mitigation strategy for states.
P2G - Europe Takes the Lead

Beginning roughly a decade ago, several European countries began to experience increasing instances where their renewable electric generating assets were producing more power supply than demand. With no means to store this surplus power, countries were faced with either curtailing production or paying other countries to take their excess. Europe began to convert curtailed renewable electricity into hydrogen to indefinitely store vast amounts of renewable energy. In this webinar we will hear from the European utilities and companies that have been at the forefront of the development and utilization of this exciting new technology, and how they are deploying P2G to further enable their transition to a zero-carbon energy system.
Co-Produced by ACT News, GNA, and the Bioenergy Association of California